Every week, I write a deep dive into some aspect of AI, startups, and teams. Enter your email address to subscribe below!
What we talk about when we talk about work I've coached and advised people for years now, but I started seriously ramping my leadership coaching practice last year when I stepped down from being Textio's CEO. In that time, nearly all my clients have fallen into two categories: they are either 1) CEOs, or 2) other senior executives who want to work more effectively with their CEOs. I have coached clients through all kinds of situations, but the vast majority of them have one thing in common:...
Bringing the 🔥 Every few weeks for the last several months, I've run a Viral Data Stories workshop for a team wanting to tell stories with their data. It's usually a marketing team, they're often sitting on a treasure chest of data they don't know how to use, and they know whose attention they want. But putting the pieces together into a good story eludes them. If you thought this was just you, it isn't. Maybe it's because I'm recovering from knee surgery this week and I'm feeling a little...
Failure mode Over the last few weeks, I've met with five highly talented former coworkers, all working on new projects now. These are all people I considered to be at the top of their Textio team. I would 10/10 work with them again. One of them has set up his own business, and you can read more at the end of this piece.** The other four have moved on to jobs at other companies, and they wanted input on something they're currently working on. I often meet with former Textios in this situation....